Well Geometry Tab

The Well Geometry tab only appears for gas producers. It allows you to define wellbore parameters which in combination with Wellhead Pressure will be used to calculate Bottom Hole Pressure. Note that this information is only used if the well has a Deliverability or Quadratic Pressure performance type and the pressure control is set to Wellhead in the Well Performance Tab. The Cullender-Smith technique is used (Cullender and Smith 1956Closed Cullender, M.N and Smith, R.V.: “Practical Solution of Gas Flow Equations for Wells and Pipelines with Large Temperature Gradients”, Trans. AIME 207, 1956.).

The following inputs are required in the Wellhead control pane:

  • TVD: True Vertical Depth of the completion interval.
  • Tubing Diameter: Internal diameter for of the production tubing.
  • MD: Well Measured Depth.
  • Surface Temperature: Well flowing surface temperature.